Thursday, March 25, 2010

Re-Assesment of the Future

I am realizing that I start all of my blog posts with what I fear will soon be my new catch phrase, "so I have not written in a while..." or a similar phrase to that effect. To be quite honest, I love blogging, but I hate typing, and so my blogs are few and far between, but as another of my catchphrases goes, "I will be writing more often now." I really do plan to start writing more often now though, as I have many events and coming up which I will be writing on.

so to list of the events which play a big role in my future,

I will be graduating from Vanguard University of Southern California with a Bachelors degree in Political Science and History on May 8th!

on May 10th I will be traveling to China for a month with the Vanguard Singers and band.

When I get back I will hopefully have a couple of Jobs to pay for the townhouse that me and some friends will soon be acquiring.

Shortly thereafter I will be taking classes at OCC and Coastline in order to; a.) Learn Mandarin Chinese, b.) take micro-economics, and c.) actually take a photography class.

I will also take the GRE in case I want to do grad school, but I had a revelation yesterday, and I believe that I found what I want to do with my life (or at least part of it.) I want to work for the state department as a Foreign Service Officer, and in order to do that I need to start a lengthy process ASAP. The first step is to take the FSOT, and I plan on choosing the Cone of Public Diplomacy. This will give me the chance to travel and learn about new cultures all while being paid to do it, and just think of all of the photography opportunities!

Suffice it to say that I have plenty of things to talk about in the near future, and that I will hopefully be writing more often. the purpose of this site is obviously for my photography, at least until I get my real photography site set up. Until then it will be my personal blog too, however unprofessional that is. What inspired me to start writing again you might ask? Well its all due to the fact that I was talking to my adopted sister Christina this morning and she mentioned her husband's site which I then visited and really enjoyed. I will be following his travels for sure, and you should too. go check out


Melissa said...

It seems pretty common now days for photographers to have blogs not only about their photography, but also personal stuff. It makes it more personable I think. Here is an example of a friend/co-worker of mine.

Jordan Emery said...

I really appreciate you visiting my site recently. I clicked on your name in the comment and it brought me to your blog. Might I say, I really enjoy your photography. Keep up the good work! You are more than welcome to follow around the work with me as long as you would like. You mention that you want to do foreign travel and I think that's a great idea. I do agree that there are tons of photo opportunities doing it. If there is anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to let me know. Ill do what I can to help. Again thank you for following.

Jordan Emery

PS: I need some photography tips. My photography skills stink.