so i would like to say that this year has not gone at all so far like i thought it would at all. im hanging out with freshmen, my classes are really easy, im working alot, yearbook is a joke, i hardly ever hang out with my solid base of friends, i am hanging out more and more with music people. and to be honest. i love it. i do wish i could hang out with the SFO team more often, but our schedules conflict..
anyways, some of the people whom i have grown closest too in the past month include, Brooke, Brandi, Aaron, Mia, Paul, Jared Slyter, Jared Sleeper, and jayna. its crazy. but i love them all. and they make me want to do music again. hmmm...
and that leads me into the main topic, Yogurtland.

MAZING!!! im seriously addicted, no thanks to brooke jared and brandi. but its ok, its not a destructive habit... yet... :)
let me tell you my favorite mix. plan tart yogurt with peach tart yogurt. about 70/30 on the yogurt side, then some mochi and a ton of fresh raspberries. freakin amazing. and usually under three dollars unless i go crazy. lol. sooo good.
um yah. ok so here is my schedule for the next two weeks.
10/08/08 - I take Jared to the Airport. (hes going home for his birthday)
10/09/08 - leave for Wasco after Sean gets off of work.
10/10/08 - Wasco!
10/11/08 - Wasco!
10/12/08 - Leave Wasco, Pick up Jared later that night.
10/13/08 - no idea...
10/14/08 - Jared's Birthday
10/15/08 - work im guessing? nothing big...
10/16/08 - nada planned.
10/17/08 - Compassion grows, krochet kids, kids with destiny awareness concert! then sleepover in the 951/909. lol
10/18/08 - Oakglenn picnic, apples, fall festivities, photo safari with the peeps. fun times!
my life is all about peach tart.
Oh Kev. I love you even though you don't like Obama.
add my birthday in next to jared's
but i was born first.
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