Concert Choir Concert
so concert choir had our first concert outside of convocation this past saturday! and it went really well. it was at Bethel Towers for their 40th anniversary. bethel towers is a retirement home awned and run by the AG. so it was really cool to go sing for all of the oldsters, and then afterwards we got to eat with them. the food was... food... but i was not hungry anyways. i really enjoyed it, it was weird, because for the first time i am really enjoying choir. probably because i am an officer. or maybe china changed me. i dont know...
ok on to number two.
i had been inside yogurtland a few weeks ago with Jayna and Jared, and i knew even then that i would like it. i did not get anything then though, as i was not hungry. i just went for the company. but a couple nights ago, after watching a movie with some friends i went again. ok so i knew it would be good, but it is REALLY good. this time i went with Brooke and Jayna and Jared and Tyler. (this always hanging out with freshmen has just inspired another blog in my mind. soon i promise) it was really good. i have already found my favorite flavors. plain tart, and peach tart. tarro is not that bad, but definitely not something i would get often. its only 30c an ounce, and you can get as much toppings as you like. im a fan of the frozen raspberries. delicious.
(footnote, since my first visit i went again yesterday with Brandalynn, Brooke, Mia, Josh, and Aaron. they are a riot. ha. wow, i sound like im from the 70's or something... yeesh)
and we are moving right along.
The Fall
ok so the movie that i watched before yogurtland. and actually the night before that too, is called The Fall. its directed by tarsem, and it is beautiful. extremely trippy, but still beautiful. childish, lovely, filled with harsh themes of fear, suicide, and love, it is just beautiful . i have no way to really describe it. if you like the type of movie with extreme imagery and symbolism everywhere, than this movie is for you.

My Car and the long journey home.
so, we all know my car is not in the best condition. not bad at all, just not 100% anyways, i had major work done on it last month, and then the day after i got it back, the check engine light came on. boo. and then last week i got side swiped. which sucked. so i took my car home to get it serviced on sunday night. and i coerced jared to follow me to riverside (his first visit) and brave the ghetto to pick me up and bring me back to the Vanguard. ha that was fun. because when i got home i realised i had forgotten to bring the estimate from the insurance company on the accident damage. boo. and because my cat is dying. sadly. mourn him. his name be rever. and i have had him since i was 4... its his time though... so... yah. ok... anyways,
whilst at home i realized, shockingly, that because i had procrastinated, i had forgotten that i had jury duty... and that further, i did not know when it was, and even further that i did not know where the summons was. so my mom made jared promise to keep bugging me about it until i figured it out and got my duty postponed, baring that i was not arrested for contempt first.
and yah, i checked, and im fine. lol. i got my jury date, which was monday october sixth, postponed till december 15th. woot.
now all i really need to take care of is getting my phone rebate worked out.. and i think thats it...
Sean's Birthday
is tomorrow. october 1st. im really excited. Sean is my best friend. and my brother. i love im so much and im really excited for him. he has classes all day, so im going to try to make it a good day for him. you should too. and yah. ill blog about this on thursday. mhmm. oh, but yah. mhmm
one last thing
im going to leave you with one of the funniest lines i have ever heard.
"did you know that you burn sixty seven calories per minute while kissing? anyone wanna go work out?" haha. and i credit that one to jared.