Monday, September 29, 2008

So to catch up...

i would like to first off apologize to you, my faithful reader, for my lack in blogging this past week. it has been a hectic (but good) couple of days. so now i will attempt to catch you up on all of the exciting things that happened this week. although i have not as of yet decided upon the manner of said blog post, whether it will all be lumped into one massive blog, or whether i will break it up into smaller blogs for each separate event of note. 

but to begin here are a few things of the past few days which i will soon be sharing with you in detail.

1. first actual concert with Concert Choir
2. my first yogurtland taste
3. The Fall
4. going home to drop off my car
5. realizing that i forgot i had jury duty
6. sean's birthday is coming up
7. Jared's Quips
8. random thoughts and discoveries
9. the office premier
10. theres more... i know there is. ill leave you with this for now.

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