Oh so many things have occured to me. to many to relate in full, but in full i will try. lets recap shall we? my last post was i think talking about how i was excited to be going to china. well i went to China in may. it is now september. boy did i lose grasp on time eh? ok well anyways, heres a rough outline of my life since last post.
13th-left for China.
14th- get to Beijing. hear in full the horrors of the Sichuan Earthquake
14th-21st- concerts in beijing
21st-29th- Chengdu! capital of Sichuan Province. participated in a candlelight vigil in Tian'fu Square during memoratorium. >>>>
29th-1st- Guanzhou- concerts and cheap pearls!
when i got back i moved into campus housing with sean..
worked at hollister until middle of june
got a job at barnes and noble!!
hung out with sean and family
Working alot
bought Ticket to Northern Ireland for New Years!!
Music Camp starts!
so many awesome freshmen this year. made yet another best friend. well no, more of a brother. his name be jared, and he do be of the grand state of Idaho.
Classes start. im at 15 units this semester with choir, vocal lessons, yearbook, middle east politics, us foreign policy, 20th century europe, and us Government.
fun stuff. ok im caught up now. i will be diving deeper into most of the topics i talked about in this post. so keep reading my friends!
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