so last week, on a monday I believe, Jared and I were in the practice rooms, him practicing piano, and me chilling, offering help whenever I could; it was not often i must admit. Anyways, Jayna came and joined us, and about an hour later we left. It was around six o'clock and the storm clouds were moving in. I stated, "ah look at the clouds, the ocean must be beautiful right now." Jayna got this crazy look in her eyes, and said, "lets go! lets go right now!" so we did. they had neither of them ever been to Little Del Mar, which is one of my favorite beaches, so I took them to that one.

(in case you do not know, Little Del Mar is a beautiful beach with tide pools, impressive rock structures, cliffs, and kelp beds right off of newport coast. it sits right next to Corona Del Mar on pacific blvd.)
we got to the street above where the trail leads down to the beach, and Jared being awesome, drifted around the curve right there. it was cool. but it scared both Jayna and the Woman on the sidewalk who thought she was going to die. we parked, and walked down the trail, talking about the amazing houses, the beautiful scenery, and just taking pictures of everything really. we got there right as the sun was going down, but due to the storm rolling in, it was more like twilight.
we got down to the beach itself, ditched our shoes under a bush, and jumped the creek. we walked for a while, just taking in the wonder of the stormy dark sea water, then finally ended at a rocky outcropping where we sat for an hour just talking about life. it was beautiful.

and it got me thinking about oh so many things. how beautiful my friends were. each of them so completely different, yet all with the same hearts. how insignificant we are in the realm of things, but what a huge change we can each and every one of us make if we truly work at our dreams and passions. how beautiful, powerful the ocean is, and how it always makes me sad. I am not sure why that is though..
as we sat there, in the dwindling light on the shores of the pacific, we just talked about life. and what it meant to us. where we wanted to go, what we wanted to do. and as we three sat there, we planned, not all out loud, but plans were being formulated for sure. and they are good these plans, including the unspoken ones, as the spoken ones were good too. some of our plans include; a trip to yosemite, to the redwoods, to bodie, to san diego, to san francisco, just traveling in general. to have worship on the beach, to hang out more.
yep. this was a good beach trip.
im jealous. i wish i was there. =[
me too! but worship on the beach, i AM there.
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