so my computer just randomly died. the hardrive i mean.... im not sure why. but it sucks. im currently on sean's computer. im sad and angry. very very angry... but mostly sad. so if you see me around and im in a horrible mood. please understand why...
alot of my pictures were on my computer, alot that i did not have time to back up... including china...
Oh my gosh! Noooooo! I totally know what you mean. That happened to me a few months ago and all my pictures from forever disappeared! I'm so sorry. =[
Have you checked out SpinRite? If it's a corrupt partition it will fix it, but if's it's a mechanical issue than, well, ya.
That happened to me freshman year! Im so sorry Kev that sucks...
Sorry hon. I tried to put pictures on the computer off a card and something happened and its corrupted. so my pictures from Brooks birth are gone and lots of others. So I sooo sympathize. Love you sweety.
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